1. The here mentioned general conditions will apply to all services and activities provided by or carried out by the partners, lawyers, employees and/or appointees of Advocatenkantoor Devlies BV (hereinafter law firm Devlies), within the scope of its normal activities.
Whenever a client appeals to the law firm Devlies, the client will be presumed to have knowledge of these general conditions and it will be presumed the client has accepted these general conditions.
2. The total liability of the law firm Devlies with respect to the services provided by its partners, lawyers, employees and/or appointees will be limited to the amount for which the law firm has been insured through its professional liability insurance. On simple request, a copy of the insurance policy can be obtained. The professional liability insurer is NV AMLIN EUROPE.
3. The law firm Devlies cannot be held responsible for services rendered by third parties during the handling of the case.
4. At all time, both parties have the right to end the agreement provided they address a written declaration/statement to the other party. In such case, the law firm Devlies will forward her invoice for the costs and fees to the client, taken into consideration all the services that have been rendered up untill the end of the agreement, without any right for any additional indemnification for the advanced ending of the agreement. The client has the right to request the return of all the documents he has provided to the law firm. All these documents can be collected by the client at the head office of the law firm Devlies, where they will be held fr a period of 6 months after the ending of the contract.
5. The invoices for costs and fees sent ot the clients, are to be paid immediately after the receipt of the invoice. If the invoice has not been paid within a period of 14 days, law firm Devlies is, legally and without any further notice, entitled to charge, in addition ot the principal amount, default interests at the rate of the Belgian legal interstate starting frm the date of the invoice as well as an additional indemnification of 10% of the total amount of the invoice, with a minimum of €100,00, regardless the costs of a judical collection procedure.
6. The legal relationship between law firm Devlies and its clients will be governed only by Belgian law. In case of any dispute, only the courts of Leuven will be competent.
7. These general conditions have been drafted in Dutch, French and English. In case of any uncertainty, the Dutch text is solely binding.